Thursday, July 30, 2015

Just a Few Observations........

Just thought I'd let you know a few things that we've noticed since starting this juice fast reboot.
I'll just list them randomly below:

1. I spend a LONG LONG time in the kitchen for each meal.  Because first I have to gather all the ingredients......

then, I have to rinse them all well, as well as cut anything that needs cutting.
Then I have to juice the ingredients (this part takes the least amount of time).
Then I pour the drinks, and dismantle all the pieces of the juicer.

I have to clean as I go, especially the filter.  It is a super fine filter, so it takes nearly nothing to clog the little pin holes.  This takes the longest for cleanup. Scrubbing till you don't think you can scrub anymore.

It might not sound time consuming, but it is! Especially when you do it 3-4 times a day.....but it's worth it!  Just thought you should know what to expect.

2. Most of this, we believe, is mental.  It's good to have a support group, so here is the link to some groups you can join on  You may have to create an account first.

3. We had smaller and less frequent NUMBER TWO'S {{if you know what I mean}}.  I read on the "Reboot With Joe" site that this a common occurrence.  You can go to the site, go to the Reboot tab, then at the bottom of the choices are the Reboot FAQ'S.  Very informative.

4. Another thing is weekness.  Another very common effect.  And soreness.  You can find that in Reboot FAQ'S also.

5. You will be using LOTS of fruits and vegetables.  For one person, the cost isn't too bad, but for two?  Well, it's just a little high, that's all.  But like I said before in another can do a 3day, 5day, 10day, 30day Reboot, etc.
I'm hoping that 5 days was a good number for us.  If not, we'll increase it on the next Reboot.
On the Reboot FAQ'S page, it says it's safe to Reboot again after 8 weeks (if you do a 5day).
But anything after a 15day long should wait 3 months.

If I think of any more things from our own observations, I'll put them in another post.

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