Monday, July 27, 2015

Day One- Breakfast today starts our Day ONE of our "Reboot".  Yay!  I had all the ingredients washed off, put back into the fridge, and ready to juice since last night.  We get up pretty early.....4am.  So that's a pretty early breakfast.

Breakfast is ready!

We each weighed in this morning.
Me=132   Hubby=174
Not that we'll lose a measurable amount of weight in 5 days, but more to journal as we continue juicing (for life).  But we will definitely include some solid food after the reboot.

Without actually knowing how this week will go.....this is the "plan".  Well, maybe I should tell you my "hope" first.  So, my hope is that we will love this so much during this first week, that we will continue our juice fast beyond the target 5 days. husband does have a Men's Breakfast at our church on Saturday which sorta throws that out the window for him.  But I can still continue with the fast.  My "hope" is to go as long as I can.

The "plan" for after the reboot, is to continue with juicing every morning (no more coffee).
And on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, juicing for dinner as well.  That leaves us with eating normal food (along with morning juice) on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays.
That is the "plan" anyway. We'll see.

Back to the reboot.
We discussed the possibility of going "cuckoo" from not being able to chew and swallow things, and devised a plan to accommodate that if/when it happens.  The plan is to....only if we HAVE only the things that we are juicing.  So that would basically be fruits and vegetables.

Joe Cross....the man who made "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead", used a recipe called the "Mean Green Juice".  He drank it for 60 days straight! This is what you're supposed to drink for your "reboot". Here's the recipe's the one I tried for our first juicing, except I think I added another apple, cucumber, and a whole lemon instead of 1/2.  Bad idea, as it didn't really work out that well.  It was too much in the machine and flooded a little:
Picture above from:

Oh, and this recipe says it makes 1 serving, but it fills 2 mason jars.  Not sure if we're supposed to be drinking all of this per person.  I'll have to investigate.

I'm using a tweeked version of Joe's mean green.  I added a small handful of spinach leaves and 15 green grapes. I'm also going to alternate the spinach with some....I think it's Romaine lettuce that I got.  Plus I'll be adding some carrots, watermelon, purple grapes, and a few other fruits that we got. Just to alternate for different flavors.  But always keeping the base of Kale, spinach, celery, cucumber, lemon and ginger root.  I guess it would've been easier if I'd just simply said I'd be swapping out the fruit parts. haha
Luckily, we both very much like the juice.  I'll be juicing for myself 3 times a day, and I make an extra juice in the morning for the hubby to take to work with him for his lunch.  He also takes a couple of solid fruits in case he feels the need for chewing (and fiber, which fills you).

Here's my hubby telling me, "but these are FRUIT snacks".  Nice try honey, but I think not!

When I started at the beginning of this post, it was 6:30am.....and I have to admit, I was already hungry.  It's now 7:30am ( I was surfing the internet in between writing, hehe), and the hunger has subsided. So just because you feel like your hungry, fight for a bit.  It may go away. And remember, water is your friend. So is do something that takes your focus away from hunger.  You see, now I'm writing about hunger and I'm getting hungry!

I'll be writing another post after lunch, and another after dinner.  Cheers!

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